pat wrote:

Well, I found "DontVTSwitch" and set it to "off" in the keyboard section
but doesn't help. Is it what you have meant?



That may be one but there is also this one:

#    Option    "NoTrapSignals"

# Uncomment this to disable the <Crtl><Alt><Fn> VT switch sequence
# (where n is 1 through 12).  This allows clients to receive these key
# events.

I think if it is not there, it will work. Basically, it is disabled by default. I don't have that line at all in my file and it works fine.

I also recall having a "issue" once before and it was a video driver problem. For some reason it didn't like to go from the resolution my GUI is set at to the one the console runs at. That was a long time ago tho. What I got was a black screen. If I went from the GUI to console, I couldn't go back without restarting X. This is most likely your problem but thought it would be worth a mention just in case.

Hope that helps.


:-) :-)

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