Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
Matthew R. Lee wrote:
Yesterday I was having problems with a few packages, like openoffice, because of java issues. The advice I found to correct the problem was to run python-updater, which I did. It reemerged 33 packages one of which was alsa-libs. It reemerged alsa-lib, it did not upgrade it.

This should fix it:

  revdep-rebuild -X -i --ask

the problem seems to be a link problem with the ALSA lib. When you hear "link problem", revdep-rebuild is the solution most of the time. It will rebuild packages that use the ALSA lib.

I ran into this the other day.  It doesn't like the -a or --ask option.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] / # revdep-rebuild -i --ask

Encountered unrecognized option --ask.

revdep-rebuild no longer automatically passes unrecognized options to portage.
Separate emerge-only options from revdep-rebuild options with the -- flag.

For example, revdep-rebuild -v -- --ask

See the man page or revdep-rebuild -h for more detail.

Looks like it needs a little extra code.  The -p option works tho.


:-) :-)

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