* Platoali ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [16.08.08 11:14]:
> Sebastian Günther wrote:
> > That is what the 5% are for, as you saw there where stated as not
> > available but they are for the superuser for such things.
> So there is no way to free some space from journals.
> >
> > BTW: Why is your root so full, or didn't you partionate your disk?
> I did not partitioned it myself. This server is inherited to me from last 
> admin.
> ~# df -h
> Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/sda1              19G   14G  3.5G  81% /
> varrun                2.0G   76K  2.0G   1% /var/run
> varlock               2.0G     0  2.0G   0% /var/lock
> udev                  2.0G   88K  2.0G   1% /dev
> devshm                2.0G     0  2.0G   0% /dev/shm
> /dev/sdb5              93G   59G   27G  69% /mnt/backup
> /dev/mapper/main-usr   15G  601M   14G   5% /usr
> /dev/mapper/main-var   30G  1.7G   27G   6% /var
> /dev/mapper/main-db    69G  9.5G   56G  15% /var/lib/postgresql
> /dev/sdc1              68G   35G   30G  55% /home/archive
> ~#  du --max-dep 1  -c  -hx  /                        
> 4.2M    /etc                                                           
> 36M     /tftpboot                                                      
> 16K     /lost+found                                                    
> 3.8G    /tmp                                                           
There is definetly to much in it...

> 18M     /boot                                                          
> 1.4G    /home                                                          
From the df I would have thought here is more in it...

Are there any normal users on this machine

> 8.0K    /mnt                                                           
> 12K     /media                                                         
> 254M    /root                                                          
> 4.0K    /var                                                           
> 4.0K    /srv                                                           
> 0       /sys                                                           
> 4.0K    /initrd
> 77M     /lib
> 0       /proc
> 4.0K    /opt
> 4.0K    /usr
> 6.4M    /sbin
> 3.5M    /bin
> 0       /dev
> 5.5G    /
> 5.5G    total
OK here is a diference to big to be normal between df and du.

14GB against 5.5GB

We are definetly missing something...

> Last week, I was alarmed  that / root is 98 percent full. but I could not 
> find 
> any reason why server is full. and a restart freed  8 gig of space. but now 
> it 
> is again getting full slowly. 
That's /tmp: try to watch, what actually is writing in it.

> Any comment?
> best wishes
> Platoali

There is something wrong in the state of denmark...

 " Religion ist das Opium des Volkes. "      Karl Marx


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