2008/7/26 Alan McKinnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 7:18 AM, Nikos Chantziaras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > wrote: > >> >> >> But when you ask them about support for the new kernels, the answer is "we >> are annoyed by the kernel development process; they change the internal API >> all the time, it's annoying." >> >> I think it's time for the kernel devs to apologize to VMWare and to >> promise that they won't be so annoying anymore in the future. We can't let >> VMWare getting annoyed, now can we. >> >> > read "stable-api-nonsense.txt" in any kernel source directory. That's the > way it works. If VMWare doesn't like it, that's tough. They DO have the > option of putting their entire code base in the kernel tree like every other > driver that is already there, but they have chosen not to. That's their > choice and no-one forced them to do it. Now they have to live with that > choice and stop whinging. > > Linux existed long before VMWare came along. It will likely still exist > long after VMWare has gone away. > > > -- > Alan McKinnon > [EMAIL PROTECTED] >
If you like to use VMWare, then you will have to like to use the kernel version that they support until they support a newer one... Then it's not about the stability of the gentoo-sources, it's about the VMWare people... There are new features in the new kernel that have been already tested in several distributions and that are important to keep gentoo up with the new hardware support I think... -- En el pasado creímos que se nos acababa el petróleo, pero en realidad lo que se nos acababan eran las IDEAS. http://www.lacomunidadpetrolera.com Gentoo/* (Linux #455615) www.gentoove.org 53:04:4e:b5:f9:7e:4a:fb:66:a2:19:12:da:d5:97:f8 8A3A C955 715D D88A 87CD E21F F827 ADD7 F589 B4A4 Sebastian Magrí (sebasmagri) <sebasmagri_at_gmail_dot_com>