Hi, Sebastian!

On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 11:45:34PM +0200, Sebastian Günther wrote:
> * Alan Mackenzie ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [24.07.08 23:02]:
> > Hi, Sebastian,

> I don't know where it is explained, but I try to explain what I know 
> until now about this.

> > I'm still very confused by profiles, though I obviously need to get
> > to grips with them.  What is a profile, _EXACTLY_? .....

> You select your profile by choosing a directory (in any depth) under
> /usr/portage/profiles link it to /etc/make.profile.

[ .... ]

> portage recurses upwards to /usr/portage/profiles and read all files in 
> the directories on the way upwards. So every file in 
> /etc/portage/profiles is member of all profiles and what is found on the 
> way down to your choosen directory is *added* to your specific profile.

Now I understand!  :-)

> So by choosing a profile you choose a stepwise "patch way" to the files
> in /usr/portage/profile

> > Please tell me that this is clearly explained somewhere.

> Sorry no links I know of.

I've submitted a bug report (#232903) on the Linux x86 Handbook, asking
for profiles to be described better.

I think that now I understand about profiles, my original problem with
cups/lprng fighting will melt away with a bit of editing.

Thanks to all!

> Sebastian

Alan Mackenzie (Nuremberg, Germany).

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