I was in the final stages of installing gentoo when I unmerged the old
gcc before installing the new.  My next step was going to be an emerge
system world and I'd hate to have to restart from scratch again.  I do
have another machine, similar (both ~x86), and wonder if I can package
up the gcc on there, whether (equery files; tar cf) or something more
specific to gentoo, and unpackage it on the new machine.

            ... _._. ._ ._. . _._. ._. ___ .__ ._. . .__. ._ .. ._.
     Felix Finch: scarecrow repairman & rocket surgeon / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  GPG = E987 4493 C860 246C 3B1E  6477 7838 76E9 182E 8151 ITAR license #4933
I've found a solution to Fermat's Last Theorem but I see I've run out of room o
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