Joerg Schilling <Joerg.Schilling <at>> writes:

> Bloch did run these attacks in private mail.

Irrelevant for 99.999% of gentoo users...

> > I don't care about "credibility". I care about individual
> > As far as I have understood, the problem is not CDDL not being 
free, but 
> > being incompatible with the GPL in the particular build 
system you 
> > choose for cdrtools. So, I see no contradiction here. Maybe 
I'm wrong, 
> > but again, we want *proof*.

No, most users simply do not care. I have written several times 
that the entire "license" issue is *horse shit*, imho.

Let the individual decide what they want to use. Give use choices.
I, for one, believe that the GPL is a giant conspiracy to keep the
poor and the lowest among us as serfs, unable to use open or free
software to make money. ALL of the licenses stink. BSD is the best,
but it has it's issues to. To me, if you publish sourcecode, it's
an open license to do what the hell I want with it. *period*.

I can say with with a clear conscious. We here where I exist, do
firmware, and NEVER use others' code. Most code, for embedded systems
is bloated and does not run as it should. In embedded, less is
always superior. So we do not make a single dime out of any
published code. Most of it sucks, compared to optimized, singularly
focused assembler/C. Our code is portable on a wide range of
of processors, because we read the data sheets of the processors and
optimized code, based on the strength of the given target. This
is the basis for the previous paragraph. The basis of publishing
code, that is portable, is for those less fortunate to be functional
within a networked community. Folks with money can purchase the
best. Folks with technical expertise can write software. Commoners
often do not understand the choices and are slave to advertisements.

So from where I sit all of this "hot air" surrounding open sources
is about jocking for control of the masses. If you want to truly
benefit the "common man" (the average computer illiterate) then 
just publish the sources and let folks assimilate the code as they
see fit. *period*. Better yet, build a distro and tools that help 
the commoners assimilate these softwares as the individual sees fit.
If you are contributing to opensource and receive a paycheck, then
do as you are told. But, *PLEASE* stop sling crap about the
purity of the GPL. Let your Harvard-MBA-idiot manager do that,
as that what he/she receives a paycheck for.

Jesus Christ, did not ordain GPL, so everyone should stop acting
like the GPL is some sort of "devine gift" (far from it as far as
I'm concerned). But GPL is OK. GPL is like a 5 year business plan.
I'm not so certain that CDDL is any better; but, *nobody cares*.
But since they  publish sources, then use it
or not; let the individual decide. What I do not need or want
is some *sanctimonious prick* making this decision for me.

> If you claim that what I do with mkisofs is not legal, you 
would need to
> prove this. As it seems that you cannot prove this claim, 
please stop spreading 
> it.

Maybe, you need to calm down and explain things for us commoners?
Clear and simple, leaving out the conspiracies and emotionalism?

Just clearly and simply post your offering and your work around.

After all, gentoo supports another system for package management
paludis, that is from another radical (whom I admire very much).
Portage/Paludis is at the very heart of Gentoo, yet the community
is strong enough to endure the choice and prosper. Surely you can
make simple technical (non emotional) arguments, build a package
and let us test it? I'd be curious if the gentoo leadership does not
allow you to put something into Sunrise....

Maybe state your technical && focused solution in a "howto" or a 
wiki so we can install and test your offering. Put a link to all
of the emotional stuffage (mostly for your own benefit) and let the
wider gentoo community test your offering?  After all, if you
win over the greater gentoo community, who cares about Suse, Redhat,
Sun or Redmond? They are irrelevant, from where I sit.

> Jörg

Your musings are your own burden. If you have a valid point, 
make it, in a simple and clear form and package up your 
wares so the "commoners" can use  them on Gentoo.
As far as I'm aware, gentoo has project Sunrise and others where 
users, commoners and the rest can put up packages that are not
sanctified by the *sanctimonious pricks* of the world.

Is your offering there?

In gentoo, you'll find many radicals that do not fit into any
other matrix, GPL included.

also, may the peace of Jesus Christ find you.


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