On Tuesday 29 April 2008, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:
> > Hmmm.  I may have read this latest post just in time.  My system
> > contains
> /usr/portage/profiles/default/linux/x86/2008.0/desktop and I had just
> linked /etc/make.profile to it and synced up.  I was about to emerge
> world -- it was
> going to rebuild 124 packages (a lot of kde stuff for one thing).
> I think I'll go back to 2007 for now....
> The question: if it hasn't been released, what is this profile doing
> on my system, and how am I supposed to know?

I rattled off the path to profiles from memory in my previous post 
without actually checking what I had on the machine :-)

When I went to look for it, I didn't find a 2008.0 profile at first - 
that took a 'find' command. I see now I have:


When did this gratuitous and 100% cosmetic-only zero-value-adding naming 
convention change happen? GMN is the obvious place to announce it, I 
read them all, I don't recall seeing this. I've been using gentoo for 
years, the standard profile paths are tatooed in my brain. If it 
weren't for this thread I would probably have been blissfully ignorant 
for many more months. "Read the install docs" doesn't work for me - I 
haven't needed install docs for years now.

This kind of gratuitous change is bullshit and *really* ticks me off as 
useful important stuff just *goes away*

Alan McKinnon
alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com
gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

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