On Saturday 26 April 2008, Neil Walker wrote:
> Mark Knecht wrote:
> > I log in and want
> > to figure out what's in front of me with respect to updates. I type
> > emerge sync and portage deletes files. to me that's just wrong.
> What the heck are you talking about? "emerge --sync" doesn't delete
> ANY files from your system.

Oh yes it does. 

It uses rsync to replicate the portage tree on the server with the copy 
of the tree on the local box, and uses one of the --delete options to 
do it. It removes old ebuilds, old profiles, Changelogs and updates the 
portage metadata directory.

So far from doesn;t delete ANY files, it actually deletes a shit load of 
files and the longer the gap between syncs the bigger that shit load 

What it won't so is modify *software* installed. You need 'emerge 
<package>' or 'emerge world' for that. Perhaps that's what you are 
referring to, but that is not what Mark is complaining about. He's 
complaining that an old system used profile X and a sync removed that 
from the tree leaving him with no working profile, and portage went off 
the deep end.

Alan McKinnon
alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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