On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 3:28 PM, Alan McKinnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Saturday 26 April 2008, Mark Knecht wrote:
>  > Thanks Alan,
>  >    Sorry for top posting. I noticed these very old machine have only
>  > 8GB drives in them. Looks like I'm actually going to replace the
>  > drives and then do new installs from scratch.
>  8G drives!!!!!!!!!! Wow, that comes from the previous millenium....
>  Today I worked on a machine with a 40G 7200rpm Barracuda (the office
>  sounded like it had a Boeing in it taking off!) and I thought they were
>  old. Now it looks like a young spring chicken in comparison...
Yeah, it's pretty insane. We were using these machines only as MythTV
frontend boxes so basically they boot, start mythfrontend, spin down
the drive and then talk to the backend over the network. They didn't
need much space so I probably bought the smallest thing I could find 4
years ago when I first built them.

As with everything, technology marches forward. A terabyte for a
couple hundred bucks now...

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