[ Sorry if this repost is a little abusive - possibly people just
   felt it was too off topic and ignored it.  I'm trying again since I
   am not getting useful input from the vmware forums where this
   properly belongs.  Apparently not many of those vmware users are
   involved with linux as guest OS, and I know from past experience
   there are users here who can help with this]

I'm hoping some of you here have run gentoo on a windows host and will
know something about the various networking possibilities.

My setup:

Wireless connected laptop running windows vista premium home
Local lan network connected to internet via cable.

Home router has the internet connection and wireless laptop is joined
into lan by a WAP (Wireless access point).  With static ip addressing
(not dhcp).

When setting up gentoo in the virtual machine you have two main
approaches to networking.  Bridged and Nat.

Can anyone tell me which is best suited for my setup.  I'd prefer not
to have to setup wireless networking and just use the host connection.

Starting the 2008.0 minimal iso file in vmware... I end up with a
working network immediately without doing a thing.

Maybe I can just transfer those settings somehow but there are no
setting in /etc/conf.d/net on the install disk.

It appears to have gotten an address from a dhcp server built into
vmware.  [[added by HP -ed] However it offers addresses on the wrong
subnet for my local lan and I see no way to edit or change the subnet
it defaults too.]

I don't want to jerk around with wireless settings for the gentoo
install and would prefer to connect thru the hosts ip and nameserver,
letting the hosts wireless capabilities handle the wireless connection. 

Should I use `Bridged' or `Nat'.  And how to set it up after making
that decision?  I suspect NAT is the answer since that works right out
of the box with 2008.1 minimal install *.iso.  

However as mentioned above, that method ends up using a subnet that
does not match my local lan.  The host can connect via ssh to the
livecd but no other part of the lan can (using NAT).

gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

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