On Sun, 09 Mar 2008 08:03:51 -0600, Collin Starkweather wrote:

> To preface the question, I should mention that I'm currently residing in
> China, so communication with the networking guys on this end is a bit
> difficult because the communication algorithm typically begins, "Step 1:
> Learn Chinese."
> I am having difficulties with getting bumped out of an SSH connection
> from a server in the U.S. with "Connection reset by peer" maybe 5-10
> seconds after logging in.
> If the reset is not coming from the server or the client (I don't have
> any problems when I'm at a hotspot), where could it be coming from?

It might be coming from China's own internet gateways.  If you access 
content they reject, I'm told the international gateway simulates a 
disconnect, so it looks to both parties tha other just disconnected.

- hendrik

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