Alan McKinnon wrote:

Please post the output of revdep-rebuild -p -i

Do these various packages require specifically gstreamer-0.8? If so, that is a bug and should be rpeorted at b.g.o. In general, unmerging gstreamer-0.8 will cause other things linked to it to now not work, so I reckon you will suffer some fallout if you just unmerge it.

A good safety net will be to look into the portage cache in /var/db/pkg, you will find a copy of the current gstreamer-0.8 ebuild you are using there. Copy it to your local overlay so you can remerge it if necessary. Do the same with any plugins that are also not in portage anymore

Thank you all for the replies, greatly appreciated.

Having followed your recommendations I found thet :
emerge -Cp gstreamer showed only gstreamer-0.10. No matter what I tried, no way of unmerging -0.8.. I then added search mask in make.conf so that revdep-rebuild does not search /usr/lib/gstreamer-0.8 and finally removed 0.8 manually. I've had to rebuild a couple of packages (for now) and all seems to be fine except I can no longer run tvtime, kdetv nor xawtv.

xawtv reports:
This is xawtv-3.95, running on Linux/i686 (2.6.23-gentoo-r9)
WARNING: v4l-conf is compiled without DGA support.
/dev/video0 [v4l2]: no overlay support
v4l-conf had some trouble, trying to continue anyway
Warning: Cannot convert string "-*-ledfixed-medium-r-*--39-*-*-*-c-*-*-*" to type FontStruct
libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4b
game over
kdetv reports nothing and I can not stop the process. Even using top and "k" followed by PID of kdetv.

I'm sure I have to rebuild something, just not quite sure what.

I've re-emerged all three with no change. Where do I look?
Ted Ozolins (VE7TVO)
Cranbrook, B.C.
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