Alan McKinnon <alan.mckinnon <at>> writes:

> On Saturday 29 March 2008, Michael Schmarck wrote:
> > > I, too, know what it's like to receive a reply to one of my
> > > questions   which I find to be unhelpful and aggravating. However,
> > > "two wrongs don't make a right" and no-one benefits from an angry
> > > response.
> >
> > Oh, so it's now my fault for responding to a flamebait? Nice. It's
> > not the aggressor who's doing something wrong?
> I started this, so I guess I have the right to make the following 
> request:
> Can we drop this sub-thread now, please?
> Michael, I don't see how you could read my original post as flamebait. 

You don't see, how your KDE comment can be seen as a flamebait? Well,
too bad.

> You were not supposed to respond,

You were not supposed to post such a comment in the first place.

> I did not intend you to take offence 
> and it was a harmless joke.

If it was indeed supposed to be a joke, then it was a very bad
one, especially as it was not visibile as a joke.

> You have an answer and a solution that appears to suit you.

Not just me. As it turned out, the problem I had was due to a 
bug in the Gentoo rhythmbox-"2.20" package. It lacked proper
dependencies. That is fixed in 2.22. Everything is fine.

> That's a 
> good point to end this at.



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