Quoting Kaushal Shriyan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
so according to your suggestion where does this line fits "cat /tmp/file|mailx -s "my subject" [EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> in my above bash script
Dirk gave a lovely one-liner, but my guess is you'll get sick of having to actually check the body of the e-mail to know whether there is a problem, so you could also put the system call to mailx in the if-then-else-fi and indicate in the subject line whether it is a success or failure.
Also, you want to cut out the echo or else cron will send an e-mail (remember cron sends an e-mail if there's any output from the command), which is redundant now that you're calling mailx.
Finally, note that you left a '>' out of your rsync call. It's fixed below. #!/bin/bash #rsync mysql database shell script #author kaushal #created on 21/03/2008 TIMESTAMP=`date +%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S:%N` if rsync -av /var/lib/mysql [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/lib/ \ > /tmp/rsync-${TIMESTAMP}.log 2>&1 then cat /tmp/rsync-${TIMESTAMP}.log | \ mailx -s "Success: hostxx:yyDB refresh daily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> else cat /tmp/rsync-${TIMESTAMP}.log | \ mailx -s "Error: hostxx:yyDB refresh daily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> fi Hope this helps, Cheers, -Collin -- Collin Starkweather, Ph.D. http://www.linkedin.com/in/collinstarkweather -- gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org mailing list