Are you sure the switch/hub/router is failing?

With any remote connection such as smb/nfs/sshfs, if the target becomes
unavailable for some reason such as lag or a bad route from Point A to
Point B then that terminal window will hang till point B is reachable.

ionut cucu wrote:
> On Thu, 28 Feb 2008 16:51:59 -0500
> Jerry McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Thursday 28 February 2008 04:19:22 pm ionut cucu wrote:
>>> I'm running sshfs very often and I've noticed the following issue:
>>> whenever the hub/swich(what ever is that keeping my lan together)
>>> suddenly stops working while I'm using sshfs my computer crashes,
>>> or if I;m lucky enough I get to do an umount before everything
>>> falls. Is there any way to prevent this?
>>> Also since this is a lan is there a null encryption algorithm I
>>> could use to speed things up a bit? Or lower the CPU usage?
>>> Thanks!
>> Dude... time for a new switch...
> Yeah well it's a campus *(1) switch, the campus's *(2) lan, the
> campus's *(3) on so forth till the A class IP so I can do
> nothing about it
> Note *(1) to *(2) are ugly words and shouldn't be used around children

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