On Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 09:28:57AM +0200, Penguin Lover Rumen Yotov squawked:
> >You're welcome. What I'd like to know is in which universe portage could 
> >block bash <puzzled>
> >
> >It just sounds a bit daft, sort of like OpenOffice blocking mutt...
> >
> Thinking about it, much of portage is bash-scripts, no.
> Maybe some portage features depend on newer bash functions, just guessing.
> HTH. Rumen

See bgo#196278 and the bash changelog 
In particular point 29 about handling of the % character in parameter

In short, bash changes behaviour (another one is how special
characters in regexp inside a test is dealt with; that one bit me
personally). Rather than coding portage to switch function/variable
definitions based on bash version, the portage devs feel that it is
easier to just make it depend on the newer version of bash. 

Microsoft Word told me that instead of having "Windows ME and Linux" as 
my computer expertise on my resume, I should have "Windows, Linux, and I".
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