Mick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Don't know the first thing about emacs, but it may need bringing up
> a terminal first which in turn runs emacs.  You may want to try
> selecting the "Run in terminal" or invoke it like so:
> xterm -e /usr/bin/emacs

This should not be a factor with X enabled emacs.  And in fact calling
emacs at a cmd prompt just brigs up emacs in it own window, not
another xterm.

However, and surprisingly it does work... Inserting the xterm -e
command  at: 
   right click/ open with/ other

Brings first an xterm which immediately spawns a new emacs window (not
in the xterm but on its own)

I'm pretty sure this is not what SHOULD happen though.  I SHOULD be
able to just insert /usr/bin/emacs  since it does not run in an
xterm. But... thanks .. at least I can edit a page with emacs now.

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