On Jan 15, 2008 12:48 PM, Alan McKinnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tuesday 15 January 2008, Eric Martin wrote:
> > > Anybody that feels they *need* or *must have* an official Gentoo
> > > installer is probably the wrong target market and should be
> > > referred to other distros that will suit their needs better. This
> > > is not a troll or an elitist statement, it's just recognizing what
> > > gentoo is and what it isn't - it's not a distro suitable for
> > > someone to whom chroot isn't yet second nature.
> > >
> >
> > I don't think it's an elitist statement, I agree in thinking that we
> > shouldn't cater to the lcd. There are plenty of distros out there
> > that work just fine and the greatest thing about FOSS is choice. If
> > all of the options are the same there's no point. Again though, I
> > have to disagree with the point that it's not for somebody whom
> > chroot isn't yet second nature: I learned chroot through the install.
> > I've tried playing around with Fedora / Ubunttu but I keep going
> > back to Gentoo; it's my favorite distro.
> I know my statement about chroot looks like it should be taken
> literally, but it wasn't meant that way. Read it more as illustrative,
> that the potential user should be reasonably familiar with the more
> unusual commands in *nix systems - chroot, grep, the idea of pipes and
> redirection and many many more. After all if they are going to be using
> these tools, they should know something about them.

Or the user could be like me - no experience with any of these
commands but a moderate interest in learning. I hope this users list
will continue to be supportive of folks like me. I was pointed to
Gentoo 7 years ago by a very experienced Linux sys admin at a start up
I was working at in Silicon Valley. Primarily through the help of
this list I managed to get my first machine working in a few days and
today have probably built 20 Gentoo machines. My longest lived, used
my my dad who will be 80 this year, has now been running over 5 years.
I couldn't have done it without the folks on this list.

Grant you, I get that I'm not the target market, but I am someone who
has benefited greatly from Gentoo and the generosity of the folks on
this list. I hope it will continue for others that follow over the
years to come.

gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

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