Mick writes:

> When I go to http://www.speedtest.net the flash content does not show
> (just a white frame in its place) and if I close konqueror I get a
> "signal 11 sigserv".  This is what the terminal shows:
> Rebuilding flash, nspluginviewer and konqueror has not fixed this,
> neither has revdep-rebuild.  Any ideas?

After upgrading to netscape-flash-, I had similar problems, 
although I did not start konqueror on the command line to see the error 
messages. I got a segmentation fault on nearly every page with flash, 
althogh the browser itself did not crash most of the times.

The forum has also some threads about it, with problems also with firefox or 
opera. The bug is reported as #204980.

I downgraded back to, and all is fine. Except for the big 
security problems this involves... One suggestion I read about is to use 
kmplayer for flash, but I'm too lazy to do so.

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