On Sunday 13 January 2008, Mick wrote:
> > I turn down most opportunities to be on a BOD
> > with many organizations, but, I care about Gentoo quite a lot. If
> > Gentoo is truely in crisis, why have the devs not discuss this with
> > the wider user community? This simple fact make the whole state of
> > affairs suspicious to say the least.
> It could just be managerial ineptitude though, combined with
> emotional immaturity of certain persons (if Alan's previous critique
> re.treating persons as machines holds true).

Odds are that this is the real explanation. Gentoo management is full of 
people who are good devs but simply do not know how to run a group. To 
see this, just read over minutes of meeting etc held on IRC. There's 
little evidence of a meeting being chaired by someone who keeps things 
on track and on agenda, and meetings usually devolve into discussions 
of technical matters.

It's entirely reasonable to assume that these same people will just 
ignore things outside their expertise that they don't understand and 
hope the problem will go away if they ignore it.

Just as the solution to having a maintainer of a project that can't code 
is to replace him with someone who can, the solution to gentoo's 
current woes seems to be to appoint bodies to management who do know 
how to do it and have a track record of doing it.

Alan McKinnon
alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com
gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

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