On Jan 11, 2008 11:40 AM, Alan McKinnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Friday 11 January 2008, Galevsky wrote:
> > Sorry if I were rude with you Alan, it was not my intentions, plus I
> > mixed up you question with the affirmation "no need to update".
> No problem.
> Part of the fun of gentoo is you get to figure out how it works and you
> get to hack it yourself.
> Kinda like driving an old Ferrari :-)
> I honestly believe that gentoo is not built for the mass market, so
> their needs do not apply. The real needs do apply though.
> An installer that always works and is always current is not an
> appropriate high-priority need for gentoo.

I completely agree with Alan, Gentoo is a metadistro, and it provides
(by Handbook) a LOT of ways to install, spending time on a new CD
every 6 months just to support hardware, while you still need to type
the commands yourself is a waste of time, and the Installer has proven
its not worth the trouble. Its like reinventing the wheel, as we
already have TONS of small, updated LiveCDs all over the web. You just
CAN'T compare a binary distro install with Gentoo, that's like
comparing a Bettle with a Landrover, just because both of them have
explosing engines.

The only thing I like about new releases are the nift livecd gensplash
themes... Lol.

Daniel da Veiga

Filosofia de TI: Programadores de verdade consideram o conceito "o que
você vê é o que você tem" tão ruim em editores de texto quanto em
mulheres. Não, o programador de verdade quer um editor de texto do
estilo "você pediu, você levou" - complicado, indecifrável, poderoso,
impiedoso, perigoso.
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