b.n. <brullonulla <at> gmail.com> writes:

> > I offered to take over the maintenance of the package and web installation
> > page, and was turned down (probable by some punk under the age of 20)....

> Sad. Can you link the thread?

I think  that would be counter productive. It's the 'culture of gentoo' that 
encourages this condescending attitude from the (document and other) devs.
Lots of folks with skills would help, if the process of helping becomes
lightweight or unencumbered. 

This sort of help could be outside of portage so anyone using such packages
would be warned ahead of time that these packages are not officially sanctioned
by the 'gentoo devs'.

Maybe just a simple way to aggregate overlays and a place where others are
encouraged to develop, use and maintain ebuilds and docs. Then the ordained
among  the gentoo devs could merely mine the repository for new additions to
what  they care to sanction.

Right now, things are very discriminatory, discouraging others from
participation and after awhile, folks leave or ignore the greater gentoo
community.  It's not the first time that there have been acrimony in the 
ranks of  the gentoo devs......


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