Daniel da Veiga wrote:
> On Dec 14, 2007 5:30 PM, Grant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Lately I've been shopping around for other distros as well as looking
>>>> at *BSD.  Gentoo development seems to have slowed way down and I like
>>>> things being improved as quickly as possible.  FreeBSD is supposed to
>>>> be the closest relation, but even that won't do.  I don't think there
>>>> is anything as satisfying as Gentoo out there.  The concept is second
>>>> to none, the execution of that concept is fantastic, but it needs to
>>>> keep moving forward.  What is the next step?  Or should we keep
>>>> treading water?
>>> Is this a continuation?
>>> http://groups.google.de/group/linux.gentoo.user/browse_thread/thread/cc31581cbfa4d0e2/a0b4a5d52f0bc112
>> Yeah, it's me again.
> I have a pretty small desktop system syncing weekly, and 2 others
> syncing from it. Every week I see upgrades in many packages, from
> system to desktop applications. I have 3 stable systems, with
> different roles (a server, a workstation and one in "dumb terminal
> with a web browser" mode), and they're completing 2 years of constant,
> careful and flawless upgrades.
> You don't need statistics, or reports, or whatever. This list is the
> living proof of Gentoo existence and the constant flow of information
> regarding it. Another good point is that BGO (bugs.gentoo.org) is also
> active, so, development is constant.
> I don't wanna sound rude, but this discussion is almost the same as
> that one, as unproductive and "starving for attention" too (but with a
> nice title), and this is the third edition. Don't get me wrong, but
> what exactly is the point of starting this threads? If you're worried
> about Gentoo slowing down or even dying, don't be, Gentoo is alive and
> kicking.
I would agree Daniel,

There is always stuff rollin' in from all the gentoo lists... It's
almost ridiculous how many discussions and threads are going on in
there. In that respect, I completely agree that the Gentoo project is
far from idle. For another snapshot of just how active gentoo is, check
out the IRC channels (#gentoo) and as Daniel said, bugs.gentoo.org.

"Don't get me wrong, but what exactly is the point of starting this
threads? If you're worried about Gentoo slowing down or even dying,
don't be, Gentoo is alive and kicking." - Daniel

It's true :)

Feel free to post any ideas you have to enhance Gentoo's base
functionality to the list though, I think you've roused everyone's
curiosity Grant :D


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