Hi ,

I updating the ebuild  for appweb to current stable version 2.4.0

I need same help for made this ebuild

when i call econf it append the option " --mandir=/usr/share/man" to my
configure options and the appweb configure don't suport this option and i
get this error when test my ebuild

configure: unknown option: --mandir=/usr/share/man
 * ERROR: www-servers/appweb-2.4.0 failed.

How can i solve this?

Here is my  src_compile function where econf is called

src_compile() {
    cd ${WORKDIR}/${PN}-src-${PV}
    local myconf
    myconf="${myconf} --with-copy=loadable"
    myconf="${myconf} --with-upload=loadable"
    myconf="${myconf} --with-ssl=loadable"
    myconf="${myconf} --disable-test"
    myconf="${myconf} --disable-samples"
    myconf="${myconf} --enable-cookies"
    myconf="${myconf} --enable-access-log"
    myconf="${myconf} --enable-log"
    myconf="${myconf} --enable-shared"
    myconf="${myconf} --enable-multi-thread"
    myconf="${myconf} --enable-modules"
    myconf="${myconf} --enable-stdc++"
    myconf="${myconf} --type=RELEASE"
    econf ${myconf} || died "econf failed!!"
    emake || died "emake failed!!"

Any help or comments for update this package to it's lates stable version
are wellcome

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