On 5 Nov 2007, at 23:08, Mark Knecht wrote:
   I have a printer attached to a machine at a remote location. The
user says he cannot print. He used to be able to. When I run firefox
though a tunnel and look in CUPS it says the printer is online but any
job, including printing a test page, immediately shows up as 'stopped'
in the print queue...

Have you tried restarting CUPS?

CUPS often hangs here & `/etc/init.d/cups restart` has always got it going again.

I'm inclined to think the machine is a user's desktop & he's already rebooted it, but you need to tell us this so we can help you better. For all we know the machine could be a server stuck in a cupboard & he doesn't dare to power-cycle it.

You can also run `lsusb` at the command line & post the output to the list. Likewise CUPS has command-line utilities - eg: `lpadmin`, `lpinfo` & `lpstat` - that you can use to obtain diagnostic output suitable for posting here.

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