On 10/24/07, Stroller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 23 Oct 2007, at 22:27, Daniel da Veiga wrote:
> > ...
> > I really don't get how you forward something to an Access Point, isn't
> > this device like a "dumb hub" on your wireless network? Mine doesn't
> > have an IP, nor MAC or anything that could identify it on the network.
> You're making assumptions that all APs are like your own.
> Your AP would appear to be operating as a transparent network bridge,
> but others operate as NAT routers. And a device operating as a "dumb"
> bridge can still have MAC & IP addresses assigned to it, should the
> manufacturer wish. I'm actually a little surprised to hear that yours
> doesn't - how does one change the SSID & wireless encryption key, if
> the AP has no IP address to connect to?

Simple home APs act just like that, no address for configs or
anything, just a bridge to another network. These devices have no
config at all, they simply create an SSID with no encryption to a
wired network.

What he got is a WIRELESS ROUTER that acts like an Access Point,
providing a gateway and forwarding, linked to another router. I could
have guessed, but there was no info about that in his first post, so I
just guessed it was a simple Access Point.

Daniel da Veiga

Filosofia de TI: Programadores de verdade consideram o conceito "o que
você vê é o que você tem" tão ruim em editores de texto quanto em
mulheres. Não, o programador de verdade quer um editor de texto do
estilo "você pediu, você levou" - complicado, indecifrável, poderoso,
impiedoso, perigoso.
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