I've been doing a lot of --depclean lately, and I've run into something 
odd. "emerge --depclean cross-avr/gcc" wants to remove all 3 versions, but 
it's in my world file. On the other hand, "emerge --depclean" doesn't want 
to remove any of them. I initially set this up with a crossdev that's now 
quite ancient, which may be significant, but I don't want to entirely redo 
all my avr compilers to get them with the new crossdev.

What I'd actually like is to have a specific version (the one that our 
code is most heavily tested with), and the latest version (to test that). 
Is there some way to have --depclean see a dependancy on a specific 
version (or slot, as I've already masked other versions that would be in 
that slot) from world or the equivalent?

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