On Thursday 20 September 2007 17:28:14 Pawel K wrote:
> How to force emerge to continue build with the next
> package in case previous build failed.

Paludis >= 0.25 now has support for the ideal solution to this.. :)

# paludis --help | grep continue -A 4
  --continue-on-failure  Whether to continue after a fetch or install error
      if-fetch-only        If fetching only (default)
      never                Never
      if-satisfied         If remaining packages' dependencies are satisfied
      always               Always (UNSAFE)

# paludis --version
paludis 0.25.0

Until 0.26.x gets released this requires paludis-scm from trunk. 0.26.x 
shouldn't be too far away though..


Bo Andresen

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