Hi everybody Having just installed tomcat 6, and tried to familiarize myself with the folder layout differences between the standard tomcat distribution and the gentoo distribution I have moved on to my next (and must important) task: installing a portlet container.
I can see that the need files should be there as the portlet driver appears to be installed (/usr/share/tomcat-6/portlet-container/driver/portletdriver.war) but how do I access the interface so I can deploy my portlets? I can't seem to access it from http://localhost:8080/manager/html/ Any pointers appreciated, and if you know some good links to info about running tomcat-6 on gentoo I would love to get my hands on them as well. -- Regards / Venlig hilsen Johannes Skov Frandsen *Address:* Egelundsvej 18, DK-5260 Odense S *Web:* www.omesc.com | *Email:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list