On Sunday 09 September 2007, Arturo 'Buanzo' Busleiman wrote:
> Mick wrote:
> > Thanks again.  If you've got some more ideas please let me know - I was
> > wondering if there is a Nagios plugin somewhere that manages the
> > authentication part.
> The nagios webinject plugin might be of help.
> http://www.webinject.org/plugin.html
> extract:
> For example, lets say you wanted to monitor a web application's
> functionality through multiple phases:
> Phase 1 - Connect to the application
> Phase 2 - Authenticate a user under the web application's
> login/authentication system Phase 3 - Verify that you can navigate through
> the application while you're authenticated Phase 4 - Do a sample request
> that accesses a database to verify it is available to the web application
> Phase 2 looks remarkably like "http auth" :)
> (obtained from 'nagios http plugin' google search, 1st hit)

Yes, I also found this plugin while searching the Nagios archives and it seems 
to do the trick.  I'll give it a go.

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