sean escribió:
Abraham Marín Pérez wrote:

The fetch restriction appears when downloading its documentation, not the jvm itself; if you don't have doc use flag enabled for jvm you won't download it, and hence, you won't experience its fetch restrictions.

On the other hand, which flag have you exactly enabled for getting java into Firefox?


USE flag nsplugins

The instructions on Gentoo's site differ a bit from the actual results.

eselect java-nsplugin list results as below

Available 32-bit Java browser plugins
Available 64-bit Java browser plugins

No numbered options as to choose one.

I am on AMD64 and using the 64 bit version, so I figured the 64-bit version should support the 64 bit firefox compiled?
There are no number options because you don't seem to have any Java browser plugin available. This is the output I get when I run eselect java-nsplugin list:

Available Java browser plugins
 [1]   sun-jdk-1.5  current

Since I have sun-jdk available. Could you please run both eix "^jre$" and eix "^jdk$" and post the output?


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