
if there is an gcc version problem icecream is your friend
there you dont have so big problems with different gcc versions
and it is easier to configure

2007/8/4, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Friday 03 August 2007 01:34:37 am Ric de France wrote:
> > There may be a gotcha of glibc (or other)
> > incompatibilities / inconsistencies between Gentoo and Debian, but I'm
> > sure others on this list can advise you better.
> distcc only "farms out" the actual compiling.  Pre-processing is done
> locally,
> so it uses your local header files.  Linking is also done locally, so it
> will
> use your local libraries. [1]
> That said, if you have incompatible compilers (e.g. gcc-3.3 vs. gcc-3.4)
> you
> may have issues, and they may or may not be caught at link time.
> --
> Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. ,= ,-_-. =.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ((_/)o o(\_))
> ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'
> http://iguanasuicide.org/ \_/
> [1] distcc tries to be smart when passed a command-line that would do both
> compiling and (pre-processing or linking), but when it can't separate the
> stages, it will end up using your local compiler.

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