2007. 08. 1, szerda keltezéssel 11.16-kor Kabel The Real ezt írta:
> Hello,
> ich have a lot of trouble with my wireless configuration. everything
> works fine with my ethernet Card, for ecample ssh, tor, privoxy. But
> when I use wireless and no network Cable there programms aren't
> working. When I try to start a service like sshd or tor I get the
> following error message: 
>  # /etc/init.d/sshd start
>  * WARNING:  sshd is scheduled to start when net.eth0 has started.

Do this: 
# /etc/init.d/net.eth0 stop
# rc

In this case, the system will stop net.eth0 and after the 'rc' command
all services will start normally.

AFAIK this is caused the dependency: for example sshd depends on 'net'
and it is waiting for net.eth0 and not for net.eth1 (or whatever) which
is your wireless interface.

I solved this problem with this in my machine.

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