On 7/4/07, Jerry McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Wednesday 04 July 2007 12:39:48 pm Willie Wong wrote:

> I doubt that his script (which he mentions is to be run in cron) is
> meant to actually be placed in the cgi-bin directory for apache.
> It would certainly be annoying to need to have an apache server
> running just to read documentation.

There are some advantages serving the index out via httpd. Anyone you
can read your documents...

I've been working on (in my very spare time) on a similar project. Mine is
python. It scans an entire hard drive for index.html's, chm's and pdf's...
then pours it's findings into a single index.html.

The script is no where complete, free for the asking though wth setup

Hey, thanks for this script.  It's an interesting start, at least.  A couple
of points:
1)  Your copyright notice is kind of hidden in the html <head> tag.  I
   immediatedly identify the author when looking at the code.  I don't
   you can copyright the output anyway...

2) As it stands, the code is not much use to me because of the copyright.
  you'd license it under your favorite Open Source license, this would be

3) It outputs everything in the order found, which makes it hard to browse.

Kevin O'Gorman, PhD

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