Kent Fredric ha scritto:

> I argued I don't game any more _because_ of the lack of linux games
> that were not already bored with. HIstorically, game  dev's argument
> has been along the lines of 'if they want to game,  they'll just use
> windows, or get a console'.
> What they don't realize, is its possible many of us have simply lost
> interest in the gaming community simply because 'just use windows'
> isn't really viable for most of us :P
> And emulation sucks ass, good ol starcraft is only /just/ playable in
> all the emulators i've tried :(   (Wine-family)

My luck is that all I want from gaming is freeciv. And freeciv runs on

(Yes, I know about civilization games post-version II. And they all
pretty jumped the shark, IMHO. Heck, I don't even like isometric!
FreeCiv stays simple and cool, and it's free).


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