On Monday 11 June 2007 21:53:49 Alex Schuster wrote:
> Is there an automatism to inform me that a package has become stable, so I
> can remove it from package.keywords?
> I often need to add a package there, tvbrowser for example needed 24 more
> masked packages. But after a while they become stable (tvbrowser now only
> needs 5 unstable packages), and a world update would give me the next
> unstabe version. What do you do about it?

Personally I use Paludis [1]. This gives me access to gimme.rb [2] to unmask
packages. It also gives me access to config-decruft [3] (another ruby script
which can tell me of redundancy or unneeded entries in my config files. E.g.:

virtual/c++-tr1-memory: slot 0: virtual/c++-tr1-memory-0::installed installed, 
virtual/c++-tr1-memory-0::gentoo available with keywords amd64
virtual/c++-tr1-type-traits: slot 0: virtual/c++-tr1-type-traits-0::installed 
installed, virtual/c++-tr1-type-traits-0::gentoo available with keywords amd64
virtual/c++-tr1-functional: slot 0: virtual/c++-tr1-functional-0::installed 
installed, virtual/c++-tr1-functional-0::gentoo available with keywords amd64

[1] http://paludis.pioto.org/
[3] http://paludis.pioto.org/trac/browser/scratch/scripts/config-decruft

With Portage versioned atoms and eix-test-obsolete is your best bet.

Bo Andresen

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