Hi, I hope someone can help.
I've configured a 2.6.20 kernel manually (as I have done hundreds of times) but this time for a machine which has an Intel E1000 network adapter. When the kernel boots 'dmesg' shows that it uses this driver and calls it 'eth0', initially. But lateron, since the machine is connected to a 100MBits ethernet (only), it switches to 100 MBits but renames itself to 'eth1' . So I have no 'eth0' but only an 'eth1' device. Manipulating some files in /etc/init.d, the network comes up just fine. But I fear there are some (commercial) software packages whose license manager looks for 'eth0'. How can I make the kernel bring up 'eth0' instead of 'eth1'. Many thanks for any hints, Helmut Jarausch Lehrstuhl fuer Numerische Mathematik RWTH - Aachen University D 52056 Aachen, Germany -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list