Hello Thomas T. Veldhouse,

> > a) gentoo is not about releases. 
> >     
> I understand that.  BUT ... it was announced long ago that there was a 
> quarterly release plan starting in 2005.  It was followed for only one
> year?

That's right. It was quickly discovered that forcing a quarterly release
schedule on releng was impractical, so they switched to bi-annual
releases from 2006. 2007.0 was originally scheduled for release in
February, but the profile has only just hit the portage tree. The actual
release should not be too far off now.

Aside from the new hardware situation, there is another reason for
release, especially on schedule ones, publicity. Magazines like to
include new releases on their cover discs and want to carry reviews of
new releases (not betas). I was asked to review 2007.0 three months ago,
based on the original release schedule, I'm still waiting to do so. That
is lost positive publicity for Gentoo, at a time when it is getting
plenty of publicity and precious little of it positive.

Neil Bothwick

Don't put all your hypes in one home page.

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