On 2007-04-13, Grant Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 2007-04-13, Anthony E. Caudel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> What is the average age of the gentoo user here?
>>> Sent via BlackBerry? from Vodafone  ??????z???(??&j)b?     bst==
>> I'm 64.
>> Gentoo since 1999.  I started with CP/M on a processor
>> Technology SOL-20 in 1979 or 1980.
> That brings back memories. A SOL-20 was the first microcomputer
> computer I used.  I believe it was 1980.  48K of RAM and two 8"
> Pertec floppy drives.  Before you could boot CP/M from a
> floppy, you had to load a bootloader from cassette tape.

And after all that yammering, I never did actually answer the
OP's question.  I'll be 47 in a couple weeks...

Grant Edwards

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