On Fri, 13 Apr 2007 02:11:58 +0200, Bo Ørsted Andresen wrote:

> > equery --quiet --nocolor list --duplicates gentoo-sources | awk
> > '{print $1}' | head -n -2 | xargs --no-run-if-empty emerge --unmerge
> > &>/dev/null  
> Out of interest:
> 1) Why --duplicates (i.e. am I missing something ;).

No idea, I wrote the script a couple of years ago, if I'd wanted to
remember how it worked I'd have commented it. :) It was never intended
for per review, just a quick hack top free up some disk space. 
I originally used qpkg, but you're right that equery doesn't need

> 2) Why the awk? Is there ever more than one column without --no-pipe ?

I don't think so, but it doesn't hurt to leave it in. I used awk
because the terminal output adds extra fields and I possibly didn't even
bother to check whether they were still there when using a pipe.

Neil Bothwick

Q:  Why is top-posting evil?
A: backwards read don't humans because

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