On Sat, Mar 31, 2007 at 06:31:34 +0100, Graham Murray wrote:
> Juho Rosqvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Now, the subject _should_ read:
> > Mutt and ÅåÄäÖö characters
> [snip]
> > I'm really at a loss as to what causes this problem, or how to fix it.
> > Help would be appreciated.
> The problem is that if mail headers (especially to, from and subject)
> contain non US-Ascii characters (as your email does), then the mail
> program is supposed to use the mechanism described in RFC2047. Your
> emailer is not doing this, but is sending the 'raw' Scandinavian
> characters. As to how to fix it, I am sorry but I cannot be of any
> help.  

Thanks for the info on RFC2047. However, I'd like to believe that this is
not the cause of the problem. I may not have stressed enough the first 
time, that the problematic characters are garbled to what you see in the
subject line _as I type them_. So I see the subject in its 'final form'
immediately. Also, when I reply to a mail containing ä, ö et al in the
subject, and do not erase those characters, they get sent away just

So I'm thinking this is an input problem of mutt -- actually, I just 
noticed that it is present in each and every input request mutt makes.
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