HÃ¥kon Alstadheim wrote:
Emerge sys-apps/hwinfo-13.0 fails, missing function
"dbus_connection_disconnect" ( should be in sys-apps/dbus-1.0.2 ?)
I'm not really a C programmer but I tried replacing "disconnect" with
"close" in that one call from hal.c in hwinfo. That makes it compile ok,
but running it makes dbus complain that I'm not allowed to close a
shared connection.
The most logical explanation AFAICT is that this version of hwinfo
expects some other version of dbus. Anybody have any hints ?
Coming from SuSE I'm sort-of lost when I don't have hwinfo, I go there
all the time to double-check what drivers I should use for disks, X
(drm) and all manner of other things.
The obvious replacement for "hwinfo --cpu" is "cat /proc/cpuinfo", but
for the other stuff I feel like I'm stumbling in the dark...
hwinfo also doesn't compile on my notebook. Try downgrading to an older
version of dbus and checkout the changelog and the README file.
However there are a lot of other ways to get informations about your
Just to name a few:
cat /proc/meminfo
cat /proc/modules
cat /proc/filesystems
cat /proc/sys/dev/cdrom/info
You can also find a lot of information under /sys/
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