On Sunday 21 January 2007 09:55, Dale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote 
about '[gentoo-user] Most important packages to save buildpkg of':
> Every once in a blue moon I screw up something.  I don't know why I am
> telling you this.  I come here mostly for help.  LOL  So you already now
> that.  I have buildpkg set in make.conf.  It does tend to consume some
> space though.  What is say the top ten or twelve programs that would be
> good to have in case of a rescue?  I would assume portage, gcc and
> python would be pretty important.  I plan to delete the rest for space.

Keep a glibc and binutils around as well.  Have busybox *installed*, 
statically linked.  pam, acl and your favorite non-X11 editor would be my 
next additions to the package list. Then, to round out the 10-12 add all 
the packages that provide your file system (e2fstools, reiserfstools, 
etc.) and block device (LVM, EVMS, etc.) tools.

> Also, what commands would a person have to use to make use of those
> buildpkg's?  So far, I have not needed one.  < says prayer >  That
> assumes portage is what is screwed up to begin with.

All you need is tar.  You simply extract the compressed tarball over your 
root file system and the package is installed, but not entered into the 
vdb (so, it wouldn't be a bad idea to re-emerge it once you get portage 
back up).

If you glibc gets screwed up, your standard tar will probably just die on 
you, which is why I mentioned a statically linked busybox as something to 
install. Busybox can  function as both a shell (if bash starts misbehaving 
cause readline, glibc, or something else it links to is broken) and tar, 
as well as a host of other programs.

Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.             ,= ,-_-. =. 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy   `-'(. .)`-' 
http://iguanasuicide.org/              \_/     

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