James wrote:

Trying to run a routine upgrade I get this error:

hecking for Informix support... no
checking for InterBase support... yes
checking for isc_detach_database in -lfbclient... no
checking for isc_detach_database in -lgds... no
checking for isc_detach_database in -lib_util... no
configure: error: libgds, libib_util or libfbclient not found! Check config.log
See the line above.
Check your USE-flags (some of these USEs must be enabled).
libgds - about 'firebird' support;
libib_util - 'interbase' support;
libfbclient - again is somehow linked with 'firebird'.
All this is just result from a quick Google-search using lib names.
for more information.

!!! ERROR: dev-lang/php-5.1.6-r6 failed.
Call stack:
  ebuild.sh, line 1546:   Called dyn_compile
  ebuild.sh, line 937:   Called src_compile
  php-5.1.6-r6.ebuild, line 173:   Called src_compile_normal
  php-5.1.6-r6.ebuild, line 323:   Called php5_1-sapi_src_compile
  php5_1-sapi.eclass, line 576:   Called die

!!! configure failed

I looked in this file for clues, but found nothing:

But found nothing that looked like a problem (at least to me).

So all I have to go on is this line (repeated from above):

configure: error: libgds, libib_util or libfbclient not found! Check config.log
for more information.

Any words of wisdom on how to fix this?


HTH. Rumen

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