On Sat, 2007-01-13 at 22:42 +0000, Jorge Almeida wrote:
> On Sat, 13 Jan 2007, Mick wrote:
> >
> > That's how I have set up mine.  The Netgear [ADSL modem/NAT router/SPI
> > firewall (statefull packet inspection)] box does its tricks, inc. acting as 
> > a
> > DHCP, DNS server and gateway for the boxen on the LAN, while each LAN 
> > machine
> > has an additional layer of security by running its own firewall.
> >

get the device to tell you that its IP has changed?

I use a linux box behind an old DSL300 for the above that extracts the
IP number from the interface connected to the DSL300 every 60 seconds.
If its changed, this triggers an update to dyndns (via ezupdate),
restarts the webserver, firewall, asterisk etc with the new IP and
uploads a simple html file to my webspace on my ISP as a fallback.
dyndns has proven very reliable for changing IP's - basicly "just works"
- for ~4 years!

I presume OpenWRT can run scripts to do something similar?


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