james wrote:
Cliff Wells <cliff <at> develix.com> writes:

If you can use NetworkManager you'll find it rocks. I use it on Fedora and I'm no longer jealous of Mac and Windows users and their ability to use a random AP on a moment's notice.


Hello Cliff,

They are all hard masked. Did you install an overlay from somewhere,
or just download and compile it?

I only run gentoo on servers, so I've never had to try to install it there. My laptop runs fedora so it comes shipped by default.

I'm not certain why it would be hard masked in Gentoo... maybe it's not 100% compatible with the Gentoo init stuff. I've used it without incident on both FC5 and FC6 and the Ubuntu crowd has apparently been using it for some time as well.

Hopefully you can get it working because frankly there's not even a close second on Linux for doing what it does.

Sorry I can't help more.


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