> From: Maurice E Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2006 3:03 PM

> Might I suggest trying the following prior to your normal 
> (I assume genkernel) build process.

I don't use genkernel, never have.  I did try the following:

copy the .config to another directory, 
make clean && make mrproper
copy the .config back
make oldconfig

Same end result, though.  The only change in the config from my working single 
cpu kernel is to answer yes to SMP, as outlined in my original mail.

> cd to /usr/src/linux<your version>

> as root type make mrproper

> This will ensure that your build tree is pristene.
> Now you should be able to run genkernel without problems. 

I wish.  Thanks for the suggestion, though!


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