On Wednesday 13 December 2006 08:29, Mick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote 
about 'Re: [gentoo-user] Media container formats (was Re: [OT] Specifying 
file size in dvd::rip)':
> On Wednesday 13 December 2006 12:57, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
> > A quick comparison can be found at
> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_container_formats .  I
> > believe Matroska should be used whenever possible, but I don't know
> > any any standalone players that support it right now.
> There's a matroska USE flag, but as you say, I don't think any (stable)
> packages use it yet.

No, I meant stand-alone as in a device that only plays disks.  A DVD player 
or DVD/Blu-Ray player or DVD/HD-DVD player or similar "consumer 
electronics" device.

Both kmplayer (mplayer/xine) and kaffeine (xine/gstreamer/mplayer) 
play .mkv files fine on my system.

"If there's one thing we've established over the years,
it's that the vast majority of our users don't have the slightest
clue what's best for them in terms of package stability."
-- Gentoo Developer Ciaran McCreesh

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