On Thursday 07 December 2006 18:35, Richard Fish wrote:
> On 12/7/06, Mick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > My /etc/fstab looks like this:
> >
> > /dev/hdc   /mnt/dvd   auto,iso9660,udf   noauto,ro,user,exec   0 0
> I'm not sure it is legal to specify a comma-separated list of
> filesystem types.  Probably better to just use "auto" here.

I have another machine that seems to work alright with a list of options, but 
I'll change it to just auto anyway.

> > Could you please tell me what sort of Joliet fs options I need to select
> > so as to be able to mount the burned fs, or what do I need to configure
> > in my system to enable me to achieve this?
> I would guess just CONFIG_JOLIET=y in your kernel configuration.  You
> can find it in Filesystems->CD-ROM/DVD Filesystems under ISO 9660
> CDROM filesystem support.

I have all that configured in the kernel.

It seems to me now that I have a udevd problem here.  I used to have 
a /mnt/cdrw mountpoint and I also had a cdrw group.  I changed this 
to /mnt/cdrom (because I figured this laptop has just a simple DVD-ROM and 
can't write) and I then removed cdrw from the /etc/group file (I didn't use 
the command groupdel).  At this moment in time there's still a cdrom entry 
in /etc/group:

# cat /etc/group | grep cdr*

There's a cdrom in devices:

# ls -la /dev/cd*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 Dec  7 20:20 /dev/cdrom -> hdc
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 Dec  7 20:20 /dev/cdrom1 -> hdc

and there's a cdrom under /mnt:

# ls -la /mnt | grep cdr*
drwx------  2 root cdrom  72 Oct 27  2004 cdrom

and this is what /etc/fstab now shows:

# cat /etc/fstab | grep cdr*
/dev/cdrom     /mnt/cdrom     auto    noauto,ro,user,exec     0 0

As soon as I run udevstart (or at boot) I get this error about a dozen times:

Dec  7 20:45:29 lappy udevd[2187]: lookup_group: specified group 'cdrw' 

I unmerged/remerged udev after I deleted /etc/udev*.  What is causing this 
error (where is udev picking up the previous cdrw device/group?) and how can 
I fix it.

Thanks for all your help so far.  :)

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